xDSL Update Again">

Originally posted to HWG Newtech 30 Mar 1997

Gentle Readers,

Once again I continue this lonely thread that 'bab' introduced. No matter; another flavor has surfaced called MDSL (Multi-rate...) with chip sets under development by a company named Level One. It seems another variety, VHDSL, has had its acronym shortened to VDSL (Very High-rate...) It seems that IDSL is the *easiest* to implement at this time since it uses existing ISDN technology and UUNet has announced some metropolitan availability in the first half of this year. But what is exciting and informative is the ADSL Forum and its tutorial on ADSL at:


Site is new and under heavy construction, so some areas are not implemented; but, of course you can remove the last of the URL to see it all, that address gets you to the tutorials and glossary, etc. An interesting side of the issue is that the upstream speed as your client (browser) verifies the receipt of content to the server greatly affects the actual achieved speed of the downstream side. <Devious Hint> For firms that need to connect two (or more) offices in the same metropolitan area with high-speed connections; buy modems from the same vendor and subscribe to a *burgular alarm* line with the telco.</Devious Hint>

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